Unit Operations Lab

Chemical processing involves many physical and chemical operations, such as heating, cooling, filtering, mixing, reacting, and transporting. Chemical Engineers organize these into Unit Operations, which can be designed and evaluated using fundamental theory and numerical modeling.

The unit operations laboratory (unit ops lab) is a hands-on space designed for students to learn through active experimentation about unit operations. Students conduct experiments in material and energy balances, momentum and energy transport operations, and thermodynamics in this space.

The unit ops lab is a space students return to throughout their undergrad careers. First-year students enrolled in Chemical Engineering Problems with Computer Applications (CHE 1600) use this space to perform a set of foundational chemical engineering experiments involving fluid flow and heat transfer.

Juniors and Seniors also perform experiments in our unit ops lab while completing two essential lab courses, CHE 3250 and 4260. Many of the Junior and Senior labs focus on experiments with real-world applications. These experiments provide students with real-life experiences to draw on when entering the job market or advancing their education in graduate or professional school.

Senior/Capstone Design Projects

During their education, chemical engineering students gradually transition from fundamental science to engineering practice. The capstone design class allows students to integrate the full breadth of their undergraduate studies into a culminating design experience. Working in teams, the capstone design class provides an experience that closely mimics what our graduates will encounter in the workforce.