Degree Requirements

  • 30 graduate or non-major graduate credits are required for the Master of Engineering degree in addition to requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering.
  • Of 30 credits, 18 credits must be ChE graduate-level coursework, including:
  • ChE 545, 554, 583, and 587. (choose at least two courses).
  • Up to 6 credits can be a creative component (ChE 599).
  • Up to 6 credits can be used for both the Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering degrees.

For students choosing to do a creative component, a program of study committee will evaluate the outcome in a final oral exam. The committee will consist of the major professor and two additional faculty members. One of the additional faculty members must be from the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department.

Admission Requirements

Students must have a GPA of at least 3.3 and be within 30 credits of completing the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree.

How To Apply

Students must apply by submitting their application documents prior to the start of the last semester of their Bachelor of Science degree program. The following items must be submitted.

  1. Complete a curriculum plan with your undergraduate advisor.
  2. Write a statement of purpose for graduate study and submit it to
  3. Request letters of recommendation from three ISU faculty, preferably in CBE. Letters should be emailed directly to
  4. Your application will be reviewed by CBE’s Graduate Committee. If admitted, you will be asked to complete the Concurrent Enrollment Request.
  • The application fee will be assessed.